Sometimes life can be full, other times it can be empty. In the case of my dog, I wonder what in the hell is he thinking? I lie there on my bed, him next to me, head on my stomach and out of nowhere he starts trying to eat flies. Doesn't budge from where he is. At 4 in the a.m. as well. When that happens, I'm awake, no putting me back to sleep. Gives me a chance to reflect on certain things though.
When it rains, it pours. Never forget that.
When life gives you lemons, ask where the damn sugar is.
When life throws you a curveballs, ask for a slider next time.
This sums up everything lately for me. It has been rocky the last few weeks. No job, no money to pay that damn cell phone bill that people rang up (not me), at least I have a home for now.
After Monday night, I realized how much I can trust people. Truth is, not very much. Because they find ways to hurt you in every way imaginable.
Just remember, life as we know it-it isn't about who you think you know, it is about who you do know. In the case of Max, he knows I'm there and I'm not going to get upset at him.
But, he continues to try to eat flies while laying on my stomach, off the bed he goes.
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